Reflecting on Constructivism and Online Learning

What does the constructivist perspective mean to me and my thinking about teaching and learning in an online context, now? How has my thinking changed and why? The readings and discussions in this course have allowed me to reflect further on constructivism and its implications for designing learning experiences and assessments. In Week 2, Sawyer’s […]

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Constructivist Learning Environments

Week 8 – Instructional Design – Theory/Applied Summary: This week we discussed the epistemological assumptions implicit in the design of learning environments and the characteristics of constructivist learning environments. “Aside from a few notable exceptions, the design of most online learning environments is structured around the traditional instructional delivery model…” Quinton, 2010, p. 327 The […]

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Reflecting on Constructivism in CTL1608

Week 1 What does the constructivist perspective mean to me and my thinking about teaching and learning in an online context? [include references] I understand constructivism to mean that knowledge and identity are continually reconstructed through social interaction. I particularly like the way that Neil Mercer frames it as ‘interthinking’, or the process through which […]

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