Technology Transience and Pedagogical “Permanence”

Week 2: This week’s focus was on Technology Transience, teacher development in a CMC environment and communication. Technological innovation is quickly outpacing pedagogical innovation and in some ways is providing the illusion of transformation in educational practices, when in fact quite often old pedagogical practices are simply being reskinned into digital environments. Quinton highlighted this […]

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CTL1609 – Computer Mediated Communication

‘What does CMC mean to me and my thinking about teaching and learning in an online context? I understood Computer Mediated Communication, in a very literal sense, to be communication conducted through technological devices – text messages, video chat, email, discussion boards, social media, etc.In Education, I think CMC is often conflated with online/digital learning […]

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Accountability and Interdependence

Week 9 : Asynchronous Discussions Summary: The focus this week was on reflecting on how the structure and design of asynchronous discussions in an online learning environment can impact the resulting learning experience. This week was really interesting because it highlighted the importance of careful design when creating cooperative or collaborative learning activities. The activity […]

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Education as Enculturation

Week 5 Theme – Online Learning Discussions – Applied This week I revisited one of my guiding questions from the start of the course and considered themes from these questions in executing the design for my asynchronous discussion activity.  The first of my questions focused on interactivity in asynchronous learning materials.  Vrasidas discussed different types […]

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Reflecting on Constructivism in CTL1608

Week 1 What does the constructivist perspective mean to me and my thinking about teaching and learning in an online context? [include references] I understand constructivism to mean that knowledge and identity are continually reconstructed through social interaction. I particularly like the way that Neil Mercer frames it as ‘interthinking’, or the process through which […]

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