Social Presence & Co-construction

Week 3: This week’s focus was on varying definitions of the concept of Social Presence and its importance in education. Although there are differing definitions of Social Presence (see Lowenthal & Snelson, 2017), I found Garrison and Arbaugh’s definition of Social Presence within the Community of Inquiry framework to be a useful starting point; they […]

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Reflecting on Constructivism and Online Learning

What does the constructivist perspective mean to me and my thinking about teaching and learning in an online context, now? How has my thinking changed and why? The readings and discussions in this course have allowed me to reflect further on constructivism and its implications for designing learning experiences and assessments. In Week 2, Sawyer’s […]

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Education as Enculturation

Week 5 Theme – Online Learning Discussions – Applied This week I revisited one of my guiding questions from the start of the course and considered themes from these questions in executing the design for my asynchronous discussion activity.  The first of my questions focused on interactivity in asynchronous learning materials.  Vrasidas discussed different types […]

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Teacher Presence & Cognitive Presence

Week 4 Theme – Community of Inquiry Framework/Social Presence The Community of Inquiry Framework is not a new concept for me; however, the readings and discussion this week gave me the opportunity to consider this framework from a new perspective: educational development.  The component of the COI framework that was of immediate interest to me […]

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